The aim is the same: to damage men’s attitude towards good Russian or Ukrainian dating sites

Also I want to mention that Dave Bruner created on Facebook a group «The Stupid American» that is very similar to his group on The aim is the same: to damage men’s attitude towards good Russian or Ukrainian dating sites, lure all the customers from there and gather all them on Elena’s Models.
Now it is impossible to determine who is the administator of this page. However earlier Bruner administrated this page.
And now this post looks like this:
What is the difference? And what’s the big deal? – can you ask.
When you try to follow the link «David Bruner» or «current page» you see that the page is not availale:
It means that now one cannot define who is the author or administator of this page. This all was done in order to hide Dave’s belonging to the content placed there. Or the profile of this character has been already closed by Facebook administration. Agree, nobody deletes or hides profiles in social networks without any reason.

Elena’s Models Affiliates Program

So what does come out? Elena’s Models uses the partner programme directly and is looking to cooperate with affiliate websites, but at the same time it criticizes and abuses similar networks.



It seems to me that all this connected with all the websites promoted by Dave (Elena’s Models).
A propo the «Rearward area». Besides that David Bruner (Elena’s Models) spreads a kind of propaganda «good cop / bad cop» with using his group on, he also spreads rumour about his competitors, enemies and just bad (in Elena’s Models opinion) dating sites on reputation resources and so called trust resources. For example, here Dave Bruner (Elena’s Models) mentions Trustpilot and asks everybody in public to leave comments there.

David Brunner is a fake!!!


The author of a social group on It appeared in September 2014 and has being rapidly updated with reviews on Ukrainian and Russian marriage agencies. Especially since “dating scam” is a really painful issue for a lot of men from all over the world.

Most of these reviews are negative, and some of them seem to be recommendations or advertisements. A big positive emphasis is put on the dating agency “Elena’s Models”.

In the author’s opinion it is a good, real and the most honest agency.
Hey, Elena’s Models, is it OK to build your pseudo-reputation libeling similar marriage agencies?